The Media Journal of Artificial Intelligence (MARI), e-ISSN: 0000-0000, is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality articles in both Indonesian and English. The journal aims to disseminate significant advancements and innovative research in the field of artificial intelligence and computer science. MARI covers a broad range of topics, including the applications of AI, information technology, applied computing, machine learning, deep learning, and related disciplines, contributing to the ongoing development and understanding of these dynamic fields.

MARI has a rolling submission process, so authors can send in their work at any time during the year. This journal is published by the  Media Applied Science and Engineering (MASE) with Eunoia Intelektual Indonesia (EII) in April and November.

Submit your paper now through Online submission.


The acceptance of manuscripts for publication in The Media Journal of Artificial Intelligence (MARI) is based on the quality of the work, which is evaluated through several key criteria: novelty and practical impact, technical soundness, the appropriateness and adequacy of the literature review, background discussion and analysis of issues, and overall presentation, including organization and readability. For a manuscript to be considered for publication, these aspects must meet or exceed a satisfactory standard.

Authors are expected to submit papers that have been thoroughly proofread and refined to avoid significant revisions during the review process. It is essential that authors present their work with integrity, avoiding any fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or inappropriate data manipulation. Manuscripts submitted to MARI should be original or extended versions of papers previously presented at conferences and/or published in journals. Prior to submission, authors must ensure their papers are formatted according to the journal’s template, available in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. The template can be downloaded as a Word document. Adherence to these guidelines will facilitate prompt processing and publication. Manuscripts that do not comply with these requirements will not be processed.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information by email:,